Long Distance Students
Long distance students are defined as being 6 hours or further from Denver, Colorado. Our first group of long distance students encountered difficulty with attending the monthly skill sessions. After prayer and consideration, the minimum requirement for these students will be to attend:
- the 4-day retreat during the last week of August and
- the skills meetings during the months of October, February, and May.
This will still allow for getting to know the other students and learn the skills being taught.
In addition, Diane Marshall will, God-willing, be able to meet with the preceptor of each student. Every possible effort will be made to connect with and help students living in other states.
Much of the course work between skills meetings will be through correspondence. A study plan will be given during the August retreat explaining the schedule for the academic portion of the school. All students need to allow 2-3 hours daily to complete their course work.
In addition, an online communication program will be utilized for discussions during the month and to allow long distance students to participate in some measure during the skills meetings. This tool can also be used for those who want to study and review together.
Part of CHAM’s long-term vision is to build teams of midwives, doulas, lactation specialists, and childbirth educators across the country with the goal of lessening the strain on lone midwives. Building a community of these ladies will take time but we have seen God begin to open the school to students in many other states and we are trusting Him to lead and direct in these efforts.
The Lord says not to despise small beginnings, so please keep the school in prayer. The board is open to ideas for improvement and growth so please be flexible and willing to be part of the solution as we forge this path.