3rd Year Descriptions

In the third year students will have the opportunity to practice as they work through the therapeutic classes, to structuring plans for the mother in  building, and supporting her health.  They will learn how to do a head to toe physical exam on a mother in addition to gaining the skill of the Reams Testing, both being assessments skills. This will allow them to learn where the mother’s health stands at the beginning of the pregnancy.  During the pregnancy, she will  learn to keep assessing and applying either dietary, or supplemental changes as needed.

The third year will also be for learning the complications in each area of birth.  A main goal of CHAM is to keep the mother in a place of prevention from complications throughout both the pregnancy and birth.  However, complications can arise and the most solid approach to them is knowing how to identify whatever processes are going on, and using appropriate skills that are  needed to address them.  The students will develop protocols for those times to use in order help guide them in their management of the complications.  Advanced skills will be taught in this year.

Intense training most likely will take place in the summers, and repeated practice of emergency skills will be performed in the skill sessions.  While it is not a guarantee that the students will have their births numbers accomplished by the time they graduate, the academic process will have been completed including a NARM preparation for the exam.  As soon as the students have their birth numbers completed, they will be able to sit for the NARM exam.


The first part of the year will be focused on having the skill of knowing how to study the Word.  Precept ministries has done an excellent job of learning this work.  An experience teacher will come in to teach this course.  The second part of the year will focus on each student taking a topic that has strong importance to them and doing a short teaching.   This will also be a time for focusing on scripture relating to birth.


HLTH-Preparing for the Reams:  This course is to help get a foundation of the REAMS principles.  REAM’s testing is taught in most natural health schools now and lends a comprehensive understanding of the biochemistry of person.  This is strong assessment tool for helping to see exactly where the mother is in her health.  Combining this with the Functional Blood Chemistry which serve to go hand in hand, a student will learn different layers of a mother’s health and know how to strengthen and build her health.

HLTH-Reams Testing I:  The students will start Reams testing on a regular basis and start to develope their charts. Practice is the only way to get a solid understanding on this form of testing.  Understanding comes in the doing as well as theory.

HLTH-Reams Testing II:  In this course the students will add to their knowledge how to test soils in the garden.   While this may not seem pertinent to the midwifery skills, understanding soils and gardening lean greatly to understanding how the body builds health with vegetables from a well mineralized soil.  This course will also go into deeper levels of working the Reams testing.

HLTH-Physicial Exam I, II, and III:  The third year will be given to teaching the students the skills of doing a full exam on a mother from head to toe.  This is an important assessment tool also yielding to getting a full picture of the mother’s health.  Students will learn both heart and lung sounds as an adjunct to this course.

BOTNY-Herbal Course I, II, and III: This is an herbal course developed to equipped the students in a basic, but solid understanding of herbs with the ultimate goal of appropriately using them in pregnancy and birth.  The course starts out learning the principles of herb usage.  As this course develops students will learn the attributes of herbs but knowing the biochemistry of the mother which herb would be most appropriate.  Students will also learn the classification system of herbs knowing which herbs are safe for use in pregnancy and birth.

MDWF-Prenatal Complications: The course will be focused on the student learning complications in pregnancies, and appropriate skills and actions to engage in.  They will also be developing their protocols that are directive to help guide them in the management of these complications.

MDWF-Labor and Delivery, Postpartum Complications:  Both areas of birth will be covered in the learning and understanding the physiology of the complications that sometimes do occur, and how to manage them.  Students will continue to build their protocols to help guide their decisions.  Of all times in birth, this is where the students need to know ahead of time how to not only pray, but hear God’s leading and prompting.  In CHAM we first endeavor to prevent complications, but when they come, we turn to and trust God to lead us.  Advanced skills are taught in these classes.

MDWF-Newborn Complications:  The students in their first year will go through the Neonatal Resuscitation Program to be equipped for babies in stress that need help to make the next step in adapting to their new life. Various complications will be learned along with the skills, and again protocols will be developed to guide the students in helping the newborn make the transformations.

MDWF-NARM Prep Course:  This last semester, the students will get the opportunity to practice going over typical NARM exam questions and get a feel for how the exam is given.